Newly merged Arbitration Centre to offer businesses international arbitration services

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has recently combined the DIFC Arbitration Institute (DAI) with the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre. (EMAC). Thus creating an amalgamated entity called the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), an independent, permanent, non-profit institution that will provide the region and international business communities with arbitration services.

At present, current arbitration services will continue without interruption for users. All agreements entered into by DAI and EMAC will be valid and effective with DIAC.
The merging of DAI and EMAC will enhance Dubai’s competition on the international stage with other global arbitration centers. The objectives of DIAC include reinforcing the position of Dubai as a reliable global center for the settlement of disputes by way of dispute resolution. In addition, it will ensure that DIAC is one of the best choices globally to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively by applying international best practices.