Growing a generation of balanced leaders.

Growing a generation of balanced leaders.

It is not uncommon for the topic of gender balance in the workplace to arise repeatedly, but more often than not, it is reduced to a simple box-ticking exercise - did we hire enough women this year? However, the issue...
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A CFO’s Ethical awareness is crucial for small businesses.

A CFO’s Ethical awareness is crucial for small businesses.

After two years of economic turmoil attributed to COVID-19, many companies, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), have run out of cash and hope. Thus, the incentive to cut corners, including those requiring questionable ethical considerations, has never been greater....
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The Ministry of Economy provides updates on industry property and patents legislation and amendments.

The Ministry of Economy provides updates on industry property and patents legislation and amendments.

As part of the most extensive legislative amendments in the history of the United Arab Emirates, the Ministry of Economy (MoE) shared updates on Industrial Property and Patents. As of 2021, the following sectors accounted for the majority of patent applications:...
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Franchise Agreements vs. Distribution Agreements – A comparison.

Franchise Agreements vs. Distribution Agreements – A comparison.

It would seem that franchise and distribution agreements are nothing more than abstract commercial arrangements between parties. There is a significant underestimation of the prevalence and importance of franchise and distribution agreements in the UAE. A casual stroll through any...
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The Middle East is poised to become a hub for innovation.

The Middle East is poised to become a hub for innovation.

The advancement of digital technology has been proven to improve organizational performance and enhance business value by enabling companies to meet their customer's expectations. Public and private sectors have made substantial progress in building a digital infrastructure that facilitates innovation...
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The Hybrid System : The future of work as we know it.

The Hybrid System : The future of work as we know it.

Globally, the Coronavirus pandemic has caused organizations to rethink how they approach work. An increasing number of workplaces are considering a fully remote or hybrid system. The rise in work from home was a trend before 2020; however, the pandemic...
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World Economic Forum study: Small companies adapt rapidly to economic changes.

World Economic Forum study: Small companies adapt rapidly to economic changes.

The World Economic Forum recently released a global report that suggests several factors that may lead to new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises. In collaboration with the National University of Singapore Business School, the University of Cambridge Judge Business...
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UAE’s new labor laws align public and private sector benefits.

UAE’s new labor laws align public and private sector benefits.

The UAE will introduce a new labor law on February 2, 2022, which will ensure that both private and public sector work practices and benefits are largely aligned.The law will "limit differences between the two sectors in such a way...
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